
Trinity Kitchen

Culinary Carousel Enhancing Shopper Experience

The Challenge

Leeds Trinity Shopping Centre, a bustling retail hub in the heart of Leeds, sought to diversify its offerings, by introducing an events kitchen that would host a rotating selection of street food vendors. The concept featured specialist authentic food vendors, each occupying a food truck for a nine-week residency.

The Trinity Kitchen required a signage solution that could be easily updated and customised for each new vendor, ensuring a fresh and engaging customer experience. Additionally, the shopping centre required a dynamic advertising strategy, to promote the upcoming food trucks to shoppers and passersby.

The Solution

As an ongoing solution, FASTSIGNS® recommended creating a space on each van for the incumbent food vendor’s signage and menu board, which could be easily updated once each vendor’s residency was completed.

Before each nine-week rotation begins, FASTSIGNS meets with the Trinity Kitchen team, to obtain logos and menu information for the incoming food vendors. FASTSIGNS then design mock-ups of each business’ assets and send them for approval. Once the food vendor has approved the finished temporary signage design, FASTSIGNS creates high-quality prints and delivers them for the Trinity team to install. The signage is lightweight and durable, whilst being impactful and effective in promoting the visibility of each food vendor, within Trinity Kitchen.

To build anticipation and promote the current food vendors, FASTSIGNS recommended Leeds Trinity replace their traditional printed posters and frames with digital screens. The screens inform visitors to the shopping centre about the food vendors currently in situ and promote permanent eateries within the ‘Kitchen’. FASTSIGNS creates the artwork for the information on the digital signs and updates the screens remotely on the morning of the new 9-week residency.

The Result

The collaboration between FASTSIGNS and Leeds Trinity Shopping Centre’s Trinity Kitchen resulted in a dynamic and adaptable signage system that significantly enhanced the culinary experience for shoppers. The temporary name boards and menu information provided a professional and cohesive look for the event’s kitchen. At the same time, the digital screens served as a powerful marketing tool that generated excitement and anticipation for the food truck offerings, leading to increased customer interaction and sales.

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