Cardinal Pole School

Symbols of Excellence: Crafting Cardinal Pole's Story Through Signage

Wall graphics

The Challenge:

Cardinal Pole Catholic School, with a rich history of academic excellence and a strong community spirit, sought to enhance its school environment by celebrating its heritage and achievements. The school aimed to promote the accomplishments of its alumni and recognise the successes of its current student body. Additionally, the school wanted to reinforce its identity and values throughout its facilities, including the assembly hall, sports areas, and various rooms within the school.

The Solution:

FASTSIGNS® collaborated closely with Cardinal Pole Catholic School, to develop a cohesive signage strategy that would meet the school's objectives. The solution centred around the creation of high-quality signage that showcased their school logo and ethos, which were deployed in strategic areas of the estate. Similar signs were deployed in the reception area, on the Head Teacher’s wall, within the student assembly hall, along walkways and in the gymnasium. The frequent use of similar signage helps to capitalise on message retention.

The school also wanted to celebrate its past and present students’ successes, by updating its current alumni board. FASTSIGNS® recommended creating a completely new look for this signage feature, that highlights the notable achievements of their past students. The interchangeable boards serve as an inspiration for current and future students. Adjacent to this, an elegant rewards display celebrated the accomplishments of the school's current student body, fostering a culture of recognition and motivation.

The assembly hall received a similar treatment, with large-scale graphics, that proudly displayed the school crest, motto, and purpose. This visual reinforcement helped to cultivate a sense of unity and pride during school gatherings and events.

The sports facilities were not overlooked; they too were adorned with the school's branding and motivational messages. These graphics not only enhanced the aesthetic appeal of the sports areas, but also encouraged a spirit of excellence and teamwork among the student-athletes.

Additionally, FASTSIGNS® implemented elements of directional signage throughout the school, by creating signs that named areas within the school. Window graphics and room identification signs were strategically placed, to facilitate easy navigation while maintaining a consistent visual theme, that aligned with the school's identity.

The Result

The collaboration between Cardinal Pole Catholic School and FASTSIGNS® resulted in a visually cohesive and inspiring environment. The reception signage and alumni boards have become focal points of pride, while the rewards displays actively engage the student community.

Wayfinding sign

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