EP Training Services
Branding Brilliance Boosts EP Training's Visibility
The Challenge
EP Training Services wanted to modernise their fleet of heavy goods vehicles. Having previously worked with FASTSIGNS to provide fleet graphics, EP Training returned to FASTSIGNS to refresh the vehicle branding and ensure visual continuity for all vehicles in the fleet, making sure that the new branding and contact information were easily readable, even when the vehicles were in motion.
The Solution
FASTSIGNS worked with EP Training Services to create a visual design that prioritised their brand name, logo, and contact details, ensuring each element could be seen even whilst the vehicle was in motion. Once the design was approved, FASTSIGNS began preparing the vehicles for their new look by stripping the historic design from the large vehicles and cleaning their surfaces to ensure each vehicle was in optimum condition for the new graphics to be applied.
Once this stage was complete, FASTSIGNS' expert vehicle graphic installers then applied the vehicle graphics to the fleet.
The Result:
The new design provided a cohesive and uniform appearance across the entire EP Training Services fleet. The updated design gave this training provider a modern and professional look, which has helped to attract more attention and potential clients to the business.
*This project was completed by FASTSIGNS of Guildford.