Corporate & Employee

How to Communicate and Reinforce Company Culture With Signs and Graphics

Author: Hannah Evans

Imagine having a place to work that provides a great environment for employees to create amazing output because they are on the same page. By communicating your company culture to your employees using branded signs and visual graphics, you can reinforce purpose, provide timely information and motivate employees every day of the year.

1. Great Work Begins with a Great Environment

By surrounding employees with inspiring wall, table and floor graphics, you can reinforce purpose and share the company mission and values, as well as set the tone. Wall graphics can convey company branding, key objectives and company personality while conveying positive messages that stay top of mind and motivate staff. Employee-centric graphics help promote a sense of team while encouraging creativity, engagement and loyalty.

uplifting workplace graphics displaying company valuesCompany table with graphicsCompany wall graphics

2. Great Work Environments Rely on Effective Communication

Great work also involves great communication. Information is constantly changing and employees need to be continually updated. For efficient communication, try using digital signage to engage with your team with easily changeable messages. Use SMS Text Messaging to alert them of breaking news, remind about events and protect them if needed.

digital signage displaying employee communicationCompany text messaging Company wall sign

3. Make Recognising and Rewarding Great Work Part of Your Culture

Motivate and encourage employees with recognition and award signs and graphics. Whether it’s through employee parking signage, anniversary banners or custom plaques for their part in reaching company milestones, communicate that you value your employees by using visual communications to recognise and reward them.

employee of the month signageemployee of the month signage

4. Great Work Can Be Inspired from Clever and Creative Signage

From restrooms to break rooms, the creative spark can strike anywhere. Think outside the box to extend your organisation’s culture to places across your facility. From placing humorous or thought-provoking messages on walls to putting labels on coffee pots or other appliances to communicate a message to employees, visitors, shareholders or suppliers visiting your facility.


When considering ways to reinforce company culture, remember that great work relies on having shared values, establishing effective communication and recognizing employees.  Custom branded signs and visual graphics from FASTSIGNS help provide the perfect way to do this.