Many businesses in the industrial sector, such as, manufacturing facilities, factories or warehouses will operate as part of a longer supply chain, where their contribution will be intrinsic to the delivery of the final product to the end customer. If at any point in the supply chain there is a delay in production or delivery, it could result in promises not being kept to customers, which could impact heavily on brand reputation, perceived trust and a potential loss of custom.
The use of signs and graphics in these facilities can go a long way to help maximise workflow and keep operations running smoothly, discover four types of signage that will have an impact:
Health and Safety Signage
In any workplace the workforce is the most important resource and asset, keeping your staff safe is of paramount importance! Having up-to-date, clear and well maintained safety signage helps to protect staff by providing information that tells them how to behave when in certain areas.
Directional Signage
Manufacturing facilities often cover very large surface areas and have many departments, including administration offices, shop floors, assembly blocks and loading bays. Having effective directional and wayfinding signage, such as, area identification signs, static maps and directories or digital kiosks dedicated to providing wayfinding information can help keep staff and visitors heading in the right direction.
Decals and Labels
Decals and labels stick to just about anything, they can be used to identify areas that goods or products should be placed in at each part of the manufacturing process. They can be used as floor graphics that can be strategically placed to highlight prescribed walkways or even on packaging in order to brand boxes when goods are ready for dispatch.
Production Boards
Communication of a project’s status is important in any industrial setting, project boards help to keep staff in the know at all times. These boards provide key information about which parts of a job has been completed, informs on what is yet to be done and delivers any additional information staff may require to finish the job to the customers specification.
Without project boards that are consistently updated, work could be carried out multiple times, steps missed or not completed to the customers request, all of which wastes time, money and materials.
If you need signs and graphics that help maximise workflow, FASTSIGNS are more than ready to help.