Digital Signage

Complement Your Advertising Strategy With Digital Signs

Author: Garth Allison

Advertising is all about generating interest and encouraging people to find out more about brands. For years advertising campaigns have remained static, whether a newspaper or magazine ad, advertising boards and signs – even a number of banner ads on websites are static.

But the static dynamic is changing thanks to the introduction of digital signs which can go a long way to complementing existing campaigns. The brand that communicates with its customers through digital signage are engaging with eyeballs on an entirely different level.

Traditional display advertising will never disappear, but it’s currently in a state of evolution. The digital sign phenomenon is one that can only continue to grow, and can be highly beneficial for the company that likes to spend its money on a number of different advertising channels.

All about digital signs

One of the key benefits of having digital signs as part of your marketing strategy is that you can have a number of messages on a set loop, to show off a range of different products and services. There are digital signs available for all budgets, in a large range of shapes and sizes to cater for numerous creative advertising campaigns.

There are digital signs available with high-definition screens and scheduling software, allowing companies to create campaigns that appear at different times of the day. There are digital signs available that work 24/7, utilise scrolling text, work with USB sticks, and much more besides.

Incredible exposure

The true value of the technology lies in the way it can convey your message to large crowds of people, especially if they’re placed in the right areas. Digital signs are a great way to complement static campaigns such as signs and other advertising boards, too.

If your company is exhibiting at an event, for instance, then a well-placed digital sign at your stand can attract people and show them a huge range of relevant services you provide to that target market.

Digital signs can also be a great way to present customers with offers, discounts, and deals if you’re running a store or similar shop. Supermarkets, for instance, can put digital signs at certain places throughout the shop to entice customers with current incentives on offer.

A modern way to advertise

Digital signs are a fantastic long-term investment for companies that like to advertise on a regular basis, especially if the right marketing strategy is used with them and they’re positioned in visible areas where the business’s target audience is located.

The most amazing benefit of digital signs is that they’re incredibly eye-catching and never fail to attract attention. In the right hands they can be a true advertising powerhouse for any company and can help propel brands onto another level.

The most successful advertising strategies revolve around utilising different marketing channels and using them together in the right ways. Complementing your existing strategy with digital signs opens up an entirely new advertising channel for your business and lets you be more creative with existing strategies.